Mosier White Oaks Group


The Mosier White Oaks Group is hosting an iNaturalist project to catalog the flora and fauna associated with Oregon White Oak (Quercus garrayana) of the Mosier Oregon area learn more.

White Oak Info

One of the most striking characteristics of the Mosier area is the abundance and beauty of our white oak forests.  But most residents and visitors are not aware of the important contributions that healthy white oaks make to our ecosystem learn more.

East Cascades Oak Partnership

The East Cascades Oak Partnership (ECOP) is a group of people who know and love the Columbia River Gorge and the East Cascades as a place with thriving wildlife, a vibrant economy, and incredible beauty. We recognized the importance of Oregon white oak habitats to our quality of life, to a strong economy, and to the well-being of hundreds of species of plants and wildlife with which we share our home learn more. 

Mediterranean Oak Borer

A new threat to Oregon white oaks has arrived in Oregon. First detected in the state in 2018, new sightings in the last year at the Sandy River Delta and recently in heritage trees near Portland confirm that the Mediterranean oak borer (MOB) has the potential to spread. Many eyes are needed on this and together we can look out for our local trees by knowing the signs to watch for and how to report sick trees read more --by Kristin Currin

The Nature of Oaks

Watch: Doug Tallamy, author of The Nature of Oaks, presentation to the East Cascades Oak Partnership, Fall 2022.